Friday, May 20, 2011

I cannot believe I'm here again! I am leaving for Africa in less than 2 weeks.

Excited literally does not even begin to put what I'm feeling into words. This place that I love so much, that always weighs so heavily on my heart...I get to go there again? It doesn't make sense that I should be so lucky.

I just got off the phone with Shawn Koonce who is the founder of the Tin Roof Society, the organization that were going with and he just got me FREAKING OUT with excitement. This trip is going to be a mostly educational trip, we are going in schools and orphanages and slums to really be a light where there is none. A lot of these kids will have no future without a school system and we are so blessed that God is going to use us in that.

I am honestly standing in awe of God when I think about this trip because I am so incredibly blessed that I get to go to Kenya...again. God has absolutely provided for this trip and I know that He is going to keep doing so. He has taken care of EVERY single step and it has made my faith grow so much. I encourage you to consider coming to this beautiful place one day, it is absolutely impossible to come here and not leave changed.

To describe the love that God has for this place is impossible, His heart is so big for His children in Kenya. I know this because He has purposefully made a way for people to go and has prepared BEAUTIFUL things to happen there. My heart is literally about to jump out of my chest with excitement because it truly feels whole when I am there.

Lastly, since we will be dealing so heavily with schools there are a lot of supplies that we would love to get donated! Please let me know if you would be willing to donate and I will come pick it up! :)


• Compasses
• Protractors
• Pencils (please no mechanical)
• Math Flashcards (try the Target $1 Section)
• Stickers
• Posters:
o Addition/ Subtraction
o Human body
o Positive Quotes
o Cells
o Bible Verses
*If possible, have them laminated so they will last longer, VERY colorful; doesn’t
have to be big- what ever can fit in luggage.

For the Teachers: 2011 Day Planners

Thank you SO much!


Sweet Surrender.

Friday, May 6, 2011

In these final moments of school, I'm starting to get out of my school train of thought and onto my Kenya train of thought. I would obviously much rather think about Kenya all the time but I need to glorify God in this place where God has put me.

This past month has been....hard. My relationship with God this semester was transformed, renewed and absolutely redeemed. I got to a place with Jesus that I had never been to before and it was beautiful. In that time of intimacy with my Father, the enemy came at his strongest. So this month has been weird too. My relationships are struggling, my schoolwork is struggling and my thoughts are getting distracted with things of this world. I know that Jesus is better and that there's more, but I got lost in things that didn't matter.

So now I'm here. Upset with people close to me, angry with myself. Feeling like I am in some sort of funk, and then there's this marvelous light at the end of my tunnel. A light called Kenya that is ulimately a reflection of my Jesus. He's showing me that there's more and that Kenya is only a small picture of it. I know that I will spend my life serving Jesus all over the world and these valleys are a sign of what's to come. That if I don't absolutely, wholeheartedly pursue Jesus in moments where EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is telling me not to, then I won't pursue Him when everything is going perfectly. So today I surrender, and it's sweet. My yoke is heavy and burden is not light but that's what my Christ is there. He loves me in a way that no one has and no one will and He will carry me. I'm sorry it's so long but it's my heart. I'm ready for Kenya and I'm ready for Him.

I hope this video brings you well, it's my lifesong at the moment.


In His ridiculous grace,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today is May 3rd which means we leave a month from today for Kenya!!

I am obviously freaking out to go back to such a beautiful face. The Lord is seriously ALL over this trip. Every moment that I have wanted to stress about money or something not being provided, God seriously ROCKS my world and provides to the max. If there was any question on whether I should go this year, it's thrown out the window because the Lord keeps confirming it in my life and everyone else's. I am so excited about experiencing this with all new people and going all new places.

Although I am pretty close to my goal, I am not there yet and I know that Morgan, Megan and Michael haven't made it to their goals either so if you would like to join with us in prayer or financially, we would be SO thankful!

To help us monetarily you can send a check, email me for the address; renee22000@hotmail.com
Or you can buy a t-shirt for $20!
They have this verse on them "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." Romans 10:15
Thank you for reading, please keep us in your prayers!
