2 DAYS til Nairobi and Jinja

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 days and we'll be half way across the world in a completely foreign place with so many unfamiliar places. I have never been more excited. In my life thus far, this is by far the biggest encounter with the Lord I have faced and He has prepared me for all the work in store. I had the opportunity Monday to meet an African missionary, Pastor Zechariah, who only fired up my heart for this trip even more. As I shop for supplies, I imagine the smiles, the tears, the shared moments of joy that are to come. I was just telling Crissy how I feel like this is still just a dream I've joked about since sophomore year in high school, how this cannot truly be happening. But it is, and I can only blush at such compassion shown by my Lord. As much as I contemplate what lies ahead, the more I realize how foolish I am, that I will never know what God has for me in my future and what He has planned for me with the gentlest of hands. My excitement for this trip is becoming overwhelming, most likely annoying to those who have to listen to me babble on a daily basis, mentioning Africa at least three times in a conversation. Crissy gets to Houston tonight and I know that the anxious unrest of what seems unreal will suddenly seem very real and just in my grasps. I keep going over my check list to make sure I haven't missed anything, but of course after a hundred or so there is nothing gone unnoticed.
Will all the funds we have received from so many incredible and gracious people, there is still so much Crissy and I wish we could provide. Here is a list of something that may be laying around the house, things that you maybe have had forever and not ever used. If you feel so inclined, we would be so thankful and blessed to take to Africa and distribute to the natives that we will be fellowshipping with. Just contact me and I am more than willing than to meet up with you to get anything you may have, and thank you so much for all of you guy's support, it is such a blessing that I never could thank you enough for.

Soccer balls
Books (Bibles, Christian books, kid's stories, etc.)
Tooth brushes and toothpaste
Baseball caps
Baby blankets, shirts, socks, dolls, etc.
Scarves and bandanas for women
Writing pens
Men's dress shirts and ties
Reader glasses
and cash is always greatly appreciated

Thank you all again for all of your great support and response to Crissy and I's preparation. We feel so loved and encouraged and cannot wait to go to Africa!

With love,

"Among all the wise people of the earth and in all the kingdoms of the world, there is no one like you." Jeremiah 10:7


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